Brandon League of Fine Arts


The Brandon League of Fine Arts (BLFA) is a not-for-profit arts organization that has been serving the Greater Brandon community since 1959. BLFA is the perfect organization for artists and lovers of art who want to help promote and advocate for the arts.

August Membership Meeting

The next meeting of the Brandon League of Fine Arts will be on Monday, August 19, 2024, 6:30 pm at Creative Junk Therapy, 776 West Lumsden Road, Brandon, FL 33511.

2024 Board of Directors

President: Guy Learn

Vice President: David Bodo

Secretary: Carol Stebbins

Treasurer: Karen Koseck

Monthly Meetings

General Membership:

Third Monday of every month - 6:30 pm to approximately 9:00 pm, located at Creative Junk Therapy.

President’s Message

Hello everyone:

Quite a bit has transpired since our last meeting. Most significantly:

• We have filled some vacancies within the Board of Directors.

• We are proposing a few updates to the BLFA Bylaws and Standing Rules.

Members should soon be receiving an email with these proposed updates. One of our newest members, David Bodo, has accepted the nomination for the vice-presidency. So, when you see him, please congratulate him! I believe the league will enjoy working with this energetic and talented individual.

One of our busiest members, maybe the busiest, Carol Stebbins, has agreed to be even busier. In addition to her efforts as the Secretary, she has volunteered as our Membership and Refreshments chairperson. Thank you so much Carol!

While Beth Smedley has stepped away from the President position, she is still the chairperson for our newsletter and social media. This is very fortunate for us, as with her other efforts, she has always done a great job with the newsletter. Oh, and it case you missed it last meeting, Davette Glover is our new photographer. Thanks Davette!

Guy Learn, BLFA President